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How to get list of clients from Database whose Birthday or Anniversary would come within the next few days
When I got this problem, first I thought it would be normal & not tough.
But when I start working on it, I found it very very difficult & like anyone else I tried to find its solution on the Internet using Google etc, but after searching a lot for few days, I feel very upset as I didn't get the correct solution neither the hint to solve it.
But after getting tired from net, I never gave up & decided to solve this problem by my own way,
so after a lot of hard work I found the way & moreover when writing this blog, I also found other ways to make the whole procedure very simple.
Below is the summary of the whole procedure which I implemented in the project
Note: Please note that whole procedure is written in VB6.0 & MS SQL Server 2000
Dim S As String, IsShow As Boolean
Dim UserDays As Integer
Dim AlertDt As Date, CurrentDt As Date, CurrentNextYrDt As Date
CurrentDt = Format$(Now, "DD/MMM/YYYY")
UserDays = Val(IIf(IsNull(GDREC!settingvalue) = False, GDREC!settingvalue, "0"))
AlertDt = CurrentDt + UserDays
CurrentNextYrDt = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, CurrentDt)
Note: In below SQL Query,
- All capital words are Keywords of SQL Server
- CurrentDt="26Oct2010"
- AlertDt="01Mar2011" , (UserDays ="01Mar2011" - "26Oct2010")
- CurrentNextYrDt="26Oct2011"
FROM (SELECT Bday,ClientId,ClientName,Phone,Mobile,
END As AlterBDay
FROM ClientMaster WHERE BDay IS NOT NULL AND NOT(BDay='01Jan1900')
) AS NewClientMaster
WHERE AlterBDay BETWEEN '26Oct2010' AND '01Mar2011'
- Explanation of above Query:
- Here I have used one kind of Nested query with Case, When Else End As clause
- Here I used nested query to return a table (view) from which main query extract desired data
- In the nested query, I created one new column "AlterBDay" which use value of BDay (Birthday) column & have modified date by making year part to either current year or next year of BDay column according to AlertDt ("01Mar2011") value.
- After studying & understanding the above query & you would certainly get lot of ideas to make this query more short & also easy to understand, as I think, this query would be more easy if you use/create Views instead of nested query.
- Below is the use of above query in VB6 project
- by passing the whole query in the string variable named "S"
S = " SELECT Bday,ClientId,ClientName,Addr1,Phone,Mobile,AlterBDay "
S = S & " FROM (SELECT Bday,ClientId,ClientName,Addr1,Phone,Mobile, "
S = S & " DATEADD(YEAR,DATEDIFF(YEAR,BDay,'" & Format$(CurrentNextYrDt, "DD/MMM/YYYY") & "'),BDay) "
S = S & " Else "
S = S & " DATEADD(YEAR,DATEDIFF(YEAR,BDay,'" & Format$(CurrentDt, "DD/MMM/YYYY") & "'),BDay) "
S = S & " END As AlterBDay "
S = S & " FROM ClientMaster WHERE BDay IS NOT NULL AND NOT(BDay='01Jan1900') "
S = S & " ) AS NewClientMaster WHERE AlterBDay BETWEEN '" & Format$(CurrentDt, "DD/MMM/YYYY") & "' AND '" & Format$(AlertDt, "DD/MMM/YYYY") & "' "
S = S & " ORDER BY AlterBDay "
I hope this query would help you a lot in case you get this kind of problem.
Happy Programming.
I uses programming as a way to help people to make their life more comfortable.
this query is caliculating for all the clients.
ReplyDeleteQuery is well and fine with a little performance issue as keeping business requirement in mind.
how about the below query
SELECT Bday,ClientId,ClientName,Phone,Mobile
FROM ClientMaster WHERE BDay IS NOT NULL AND NOT(BDay='01Jan1900')
AND Bday between SYSDATE and SYSDATE+nextFewDays
Hi Sabarishreddy Ozili, I think Bday would not come in any future date. So Your query would always give no records.
ReplyDeleteright arun kakkar